Friday, September 19, 2014


九把刀 “爱情三部曲” 之二





          故事女主角李思萤(宋芸桦 饰),到“等一个人”咖啡店打工,结识了咖啡冲调技术高超,任何客人点的特调咖啡都能做得到的超酷拉子,阿不思(赖雅妍 饰)、有点疯疯癫癫,每天都好像无所事事的神秘美丽老板娘(周慧敏 饰),以及思萤的暗恋对象,喜欢坐在固定座位,看似身边女友不断的神秘男生泽于(张立昂 饰)。 
  在大学里拥有许多离奇传说的学长阿拓(布鲁斯 饰)和一群好友到“等一个人”喝咖啡,却碰上抢走他前女友的拉子- 阿不思,有正义感的思萤看不惯阿拓被好友们嘲笑而破口大骂,因而和阿拓结为好友。开朗的阿拓热血又真诚,为了完成去环游世界的梦想到处打工,也因愿赌服输的精神而不断的延毕成为校园中的传奇老学长。打工的阿拓认识了看似黑道大哥但其实曾是电影导演的热炒店老板暴哥(李羅 饰),以及拥有一身惊人厨艺的洗衣店老板娘金刀婶(蓝心湄 饰)。 

阿拓(布鲁斯)及 李思萤(宋芸桦)

美丽的神秘老板娘(周慧敏 饰)

神秘男人泽于(张立昂 饰)

泡咖啡高手 阿不思(赖雅妍 饰)

年轻时的泽于(洪言翔 饰)及老板娘(陈语安 饰)

暴哥(李罗 饰)及 金刀婶 (蓝心媚 饰)


这部戏打着, 九把刀“爱情三部曲”之二,显然就是要延续着2011年“那些年,我们一起追过的女孩”的成功,票房而言,他们办到了,大众及媒体评论而言,虽然出现两极化的影评(非常好及非常烂),可是多数评论都还是积极可观的。





LP Rating - 很有野心的一部科幻爱情喜剧,集合了不同领域的演员以吸引所有男女老少的观众群入场,超现实及科幻的剧情,使到感动度由于缺少了真实性,相对与其他较朴素的爱情剧比较起来相对减少,不过故事流畅度掌控得很好,前半段的无厘头搞笑及后半段的温馨结尾都紧紧地捉住了观众的目光,没有冷场,绝对值得一看, 6/10。

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Project Hashima - Collision Course of Thai and Japan Horror Film

Movie Quote - 

"May:  It’s in the top 5 most haunted places"


It’s all I can reply to this attempting to make use “history” of Hashima as background story of this haunted movie.

OK, Let’s go to the movie, the plot itself is quite simple and belong to typical ghost movie , where you will a got 5 thing as listed below,

1. Cast that formed by homesome boys and pretty girls
2. A lot of Ghost faking scene that made up just to scare audience.
3. Some stupid guys/girls will do some stupid things that lead up to entire movie.
4. Ghost or haunted spirit will go and track them down , directly or indirectly.
5. A final twist in the end where the movie mainly treat audience as dumbass to trick with.

And there u go, Project Hashima~

Directed by Piyapan Choopetch (Necromancer, Vow of Death), Story started off with a group of young movie college graduate, formed by Off (Alexander Rendell),  Nan (rom-com/horror star Apinya Sakulkaroensuk), May (Sushar Manaying), Nick (Pirat Nipitpaisalkul)and Dog (Mek Mekwattana). After attempting to interview to movie company with their horror film has failed, they decided to uploading the video to Youtube, which gaining a lot of views and finally a deal from another movie production company, Ghostland approached and offer them to shoot a documentary movie which based on the inhabited island, Hashima, which they accepted later on. But neither of them could foresee mysterious and tragedies that finally coming for them as they returned to their home, Bangkok.

Well that is basically the whole synopsis of the movie, which I don’t have any interest to elaborate more. But I will share some interesting fact about Hashima,

         1. Hashima - the once vibrant but now entirely abandoned Japanese island has inspired Sam Mendes' vision of the villain Silva's lair in Bond movie Skyfall

         2. Hashima in reality, has never been regarded as a paranormal hub, let alone "the top five haunted places on Earth", as explained in the film.

         3. The island was populated from 1887 to 1974 as a coal mining facility. As petroleum replaced coal in Japan in the 1960s, coal mines began shutting down all over the country, and Hashima's mines were no exception. Mitsubishi officially announced the closing of the mine in 1974, and today it is empty and bare, which is why it is called Ghost Island.

         4. The island's most notable features are the abandoned and undisturbed concrete apartment buildings and the surrounding sea wall.

      If you are interesting enough to dig some of real Hashima footage, why don’t you dig on this guy’s research? It’s an interesting and “real” Hashima Project!


 (This website itself is more thrilling than movie if u asked me..)

     LP Rating – A very modest Thai ghost story, you got some hot guys and hot chicks with some little thrill throughout the movie, nothing much to expect, so do with my stars, 3/10.  

OK, so we're gonna do some kick start here~

It's been 1 year i haven't get my next post kicked , so godamnit whatever it is I will start 1 today,
So it's will start as form of, Movie review~
welcomed to my LPark everybody!!